Good Food

This means a sufficient quantity of affordable, culturally preferred, nutritious food that is sustainably produced in Central Oregon.


Our Food & Farm Directory called Get A Taste of Central Oregon makes it easier for you to find local food.


Check out all of the community projects we are involved in that support local growers, food safety, nutrition, food access and more!


The HDFFA Calendar features local happenings and events inspired to connect our communities to good food and fun!


The High Desert Food Trail features 45 unique businesses that will help you dive deeper into the high desert’s agricultural roots.

High Desert Food & Farm Benefits to Central Oregon

Invested in our communities.


Farm & Ranch
Farm & Ranch

Support farmers and ranchers to grow and raise sustainable food.

Food Access
Food Access

Improve access to and education about local food, specifically for those who are food insecure.

Get a Taste
Get a Taste

Support a sustainable and just community-based food system in Central Oregon.


Contact Us

We're not around right now, but we would love to hear from you. Team HDFFA

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